Deals are sold "as-is"; buyers are responsible for performing all required due diligence on their own time and at their own expense.

Our service fee is 11% billed to the seller.

Offers must be in writing and must be signed to be considered. If you do not hear back within 15 business days, your offer is not at acceptable market value and, therefore, will not be accepted.

  1. Clearly identify location of the asset class you are interested in acquiring. Our preference are Geographic Information Systems coordinates or Total Stations and Global Navigation Satellite Systems coordinates, however if you are on a budget, Lidar and Ground Control Points are acceptable.

  2. Include your name and a direct method of contact for closing the deal should your offer be accepted. We specialize in working with white-shoe firms represented buyers and buyers directly.

  3. Send the completed contract documents with tracking to:


P.O. Box #169420

San Antonio, TX, 78280

United States of America